The Rules.
It's here...
What you can and can't do with your CREWMEN.

With all our services, you may ask our handsome men to:
- Greet and welcome your guests while gathering coats.
- Serve beverages, hors d'oeuvres and/or bubbly.
- Tidy up.
- Pose for photos.
- Assist in setting up games that you and your guests will enjoy. Twister© anyone?!
- Help with any fundraising endeavor by showcasing items or presenting special guests.
- Mingle.
- Be thankful to accept tips from you and your guests.
However, our men may not:
- Consume any alcohol while on the job.
- Serve alcohol to anyone they believe is under age.
- Engage in any disorderly conduct.
- Be touched nor touch any of your guests. An arm over the shoulder is acceptable when posing for photographs.
- Stay longer than their pre-arranged schedule. Should extra time be required, the Time Sheet may be amended and endorsed with your signature, provided that the men are in agreement and do not have any additional events or other engagements to attend.
- Above all, leave unless you've got a smile on your face.